Functions of different parts of the eye

Cards (11)

  • Cornea function
    Transparent, curved surface that refracts (bends) light to help focus it.
  • Iris function
    Controls the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.
  • Pupil function
    A hole in the centre of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.
  • Lens function
    Changes shape (by accommodation) to focus light onto the retina.
  • Ciliary Muscles function
    Control the shape of the lens for focusing on near and distant objects.
  • Suspensory Ligaments function
    Connect the lens to the ciliary muscles and adjust its shape.
  • Retina function
    Contains light-sensitive receptor cells (rods and cones) that detect light and colour.
  • Optic Nerve function
    Carries electrical signals from the retina to the brain to process vision.
  • Sclera function
    Tough, white outer layer that protects the eye from damage.
  • Blind Spot function
    The area where the optic nerve exits the eye; has no light receptors, so no image is detected.
  • Fovea function
    A small area in the retina with a high concentration of cone cells, providing sharp central vision.