Accommodation (Eye)

Cards (5)

  • What is accommodation in the eye?
    Accommodation is the process by which the lens changes shape to focus on near or distant objects by adjusting its curvature
  • How does the eye focus on a near object (e.g., reading a book)?
    • Ciliary muscles contract
    • Suspensory ligaments loosen
    • Lens becomes thicker and more curved (to refract light more)
  • How does the eye focus on a distant object (e.g., looking at a road sign)?
    • Ciliary muscles relax
    • Suspensory ligaments tighten
    • Lens becomes thinner and less curved (to refract light less)
  • Why does the lens need to change shape for accommodation?
    • Light from near objects diverges more, so the lens thickens to bend it more
    • Light from distant objects diverges less, so the lens thins to bend it less.
  • What happens if the lens cannot adjust properly?
    The person may have myopia (short-sightedness) or hyperopia (long-sightedness), which require corrective lenses.