Pupil Reflex

Cards (5)

  • What is the pupil reflex?
    The pupil reflex is an automatic response that controls the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye, protecting the retina.
  • How does the eye react in dim light?
    • Radial muscles contract
    • Circular muscles relax
    • Pupil dilates (gets bigger) to allow more light in for better vision.
  • How does the eye react in bright light?
    • Circular muscles contract
    • Radial muscles relax
    • Pupil constricts (gets smaller) to reduce light entering and protect the retina.
  • Why is the pupil reflex necessary?
    It protects the retina from damage in bright light and helps improve vision in low-light conditions.
  • What type of response is the pupil reflex?
    The pupil reflex is an involuntary reflex action controlled by the autonomic nervous system