
Cards (18)

  • what landforms are in the middle course of river?
    oxbow lakes
  • meanders have?
    slip of slopes - deposition
    river cliffs - erosion
  • meanders cross profile
    A) slowest flow
    B) slip of slope
    C) deposition
    D) fastest flow
    E) river cliff
    F) erosion
  • a river cliff is formed because on the outside bend the water flows faster because there is less friction this leads to lattral erosion which forms a river cliff.
  • a slip of slope happens because on the inside bend of a river the water is shallower the water is slower due to more friction so sediment is deposited forming a slip of slope.
  • oxbow lake
    A) area's deposition
    B) area's erosion
    C) Cut off / abandoned meander or Oxbow lake
    D) Erosion makes the neck narrow
    E) During floods river takes shortest course through the n
    F) New straighter river course
  • Firstly on the swan neck meander the river Cliff is eroded latraly by abrasion and hydric action and on the inside of the meander material is deposited on the Slip of slope. this males the neck narrower .During a flood the water breaks through the narrower neck by abrasion and hydraulic action. the water still flows around the meander but at a much Slower pace and the Straight Part of the river flows much faster the old meander gets cut of by deposition forming a oxbow lake.
  • the upper course of a river have a steep gradient. a v-shaped vally steep sides narrow and shallow channels.
  • the middle course of the river has medium gradient gently sloping vally sides wider deeper channels.
  • the lower course of the river has a gentle gradient a very wide almost flat valley very wide deep channels
  • Why is the river's load large in the upper course?
    Because it hasn't been broken down by erosion
  • What characterizes the lower course of a river?
    The land is a lot flatter
  • What type of sediment is found in the lower course of a river?
    Fine sediment
  • What is a cross profile of a river?
    • A cross-section of the valley and channel
    • Shows the shape of the river’s channel and valley
  • How does the channel of a river change as it flows downhill?
    The channel becomes shallow and narrow
  • What occurs as the river flows into the middle course?
    Some vertical erosion and more lateral erosion
  • What is lateral erosion?
    The wearing away of the landscape sideways
  • What are the key differences between the upper, middle, and lower courses of a river?
    • Upper course: steep, narrow, large load
    • Middle course: wider, some vertical and lateral erosion
    • Lower course: flat, wide, fine sediment