
Cards (3)

  • Real world applications - Addison's disease
    -People with Addison's disease cannot produce cortisol, so can't deal with stressors.
    -This can be life-threatening when a stressor occurs.
    -Symptoms can be mental confusion, abnormal heart rhythm and a drop in blood pressure.
    -This medication helps people with Addison's disease deal with stressors in everyday life.
  • Gender bias
    -Flight or fight response may be less applicable to females.
    -This is because preparing to run away from danger would be helpful to survival for males, less so for females.
    -It has been argued that females respond with a 'tend to befriend' characteristic to protect offspring in times of stress.
    -Has beta bias as it ignores differences between males and females.
  • Strength of general adaptation syndrome
    -Research support with rats and ethical issues.
    -They subjected rats to physical pain like extreme cold and surgical injury.
    -Selye justified this as he hoped they would lead to therapeutic breakthroughs in treating stress related illnesses.