Cards (8)

  • Fisheries: populations of fish used for commercial fishing
  • Fishery collapse: when overfishing causes 90% population decline in a fishery
    • Population may never recover from collapse due to decreased biodiversity, inability to find mates, inbreeding depression
    • Economic consequences: lost income for fishermen, lost tourism dollars for communities
  • Bottom trawling: harmful fishing method that involves dragging a large net along the ocean floor
    • Bycatch: unintended species like dolphins, whales, turtles caught in nets
    • Stirs up ocean sediment and destroys coral reef structure
    • Decreases biodiversity by killing non-target species and removing coral reef habitat
  • Long-line fishing: fishing line with many hooks extended for long distances and allowed to drift
    • Bycatch
    • Ghost fishing: continuous, unintended catch of fish
  • Gill nets: Large nets stretching for miles, allowed to drift
    • Mesh size my selectively deplete certain age/size classes
    • Bycatch
    • Ghost fishing
  • Purse seines: Large nets are drawn up like a drawstring purse
    • Catches large quantities of fish
    • Bycatch
  • Sonar: sound waves used to locate fish
    • Allows ships to locate large schools quickly
    • targets specific species
    • As we deplete large, predatory fisheries, we move down to smaller fish species
    • Depletion of smaller population limits fishery recovery and decreases food supply of marine mammals and seabirds