Biodiversity and Evolution

Cards (19)

  • Fossils- these are traces of an organism that loved in the past and preserve by natural process or Catastrophic  event.
  • Paleontologist - is a person who study fossils 
  • Sedimentary rock- where most fossils found
  • What are the hard parts of the organism in sedimentary rock?
    Woody stem
  • Imprint- a shallow external molds left by an organism tissue with no little matetials
  • Compression- a fossils that has organic materials
  • Position of sedimentary rock- this is how paleontologist find the age of fossils
  • Bottom layer- where fossils found to be older
  • Relative dating-  is a method used to determine the age of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in the other layer. 
  • Invertebrates  -one of the first and oldest organisms that lived on earth.
  • Radiometric dating- is a method used to determine the age of rocks using the decay of radioactive isotopes present in rock
  • Carbon-14 - this has all the organism, when The organism dies, this starts to decay
  • Carbon dating  -used to tell the age of organic materials
  • Homologous - this has the same internal framework or origin , position but different function
  • Analogous- has the same function but different origin
  • Homologous- a strong indicator that organism evolve from the same spicies
  • Divergent evolution - this evolution states that every evolution in animals came from the same ancestor
  • Divergent evolution  -is the splitting of  an ancestral population into two or more subpopulations that are geographically isolated from one another
  • Convergent  -an increase in similarities among species derived from different ancestors as a result of similar adaptation to similar environment.