Experimental Design

Cards (3)

  • Independent groups
    Two groups are exposed to different experimental conditions, so PPs only experience one condition of the IV, generating unrelated data

    • no order effects (when a PPs response is affected by order of conditions exposed to)
    • demand characteristics are unlikely since PPs are only exposed to one condition so are less likely to guess the aim (internal validity)
    • if more participants with a particular characteristic are all randomly allocated to one condition then this presents an unfair representation (decreases validity of findings)
  • Repeated measures
    When the same PPs take part in all conditions of the independent variable, producing related data
    • the PPs act as their own control group since their data is compared against their own performance, so participant variables aren't an issue
    • PPs take part in multiple conditions so may guess the aim of the experiment (demand characteristics) which secreases internal validity
    • order effects may lower validity of study (PPs may become bored or overly practised at the study)
  • Matched pairs
    PPs are matched based on specific characteristics or variable that are important for the research
    • demand characteristics are reduced because PPs take part in the only condition of the IV
    • very difficult to match pairs identically and they can't be matched on every level
    • requires more PPs