organisms that cause disease

Cards (29)

  • what is a pathogen?
    A pathogen is an organism that causes a disease.
  • What is the place where a pathogen lives inside of called?
    The host. A host body creates a good habitat in which microorganisms can live. as a result, there are numerous types of microorganism that live in/on the body of another organism. Pathogens live by taking nutrition from their host but also cause damage in the process
  • Bacteria belong to the Prokaryote kingdom. their cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells but can produce rapidly. In the right conditions, some types of bacteria are able to reproduce every 20 minutes. once in the host body, they can multiply rapidly. Their presence can cause disease by damaging cells or releasing waste products and/or toxins that are toxic to the host. In a plant, the bacteria often lie in the vascular tissue, causing blackening and death of the tissues.
  • Fungi can also cause a variety of diseases in plants and animals. there are common fungal infections where the fungus lives in the skin of an animal, and where the hyphae form a mycelium, growing under the skin surface. the fungus can send out specialised reproductive hyphae to grow the surface of the skin and release spores- causing redness and irritation.
  • In a plant, the fungus will often live in the vascular tissue where it can gain nutrients. the hyphae release extracellular enzymes such as cellulase, to digest surrounding tissue, this causes decay. leaves will often become mottled in color, curl up and shrivel before dying.
  • Viruses cause many well known diseases in plants and animals, viruses invade cells and take over their genetic machinery and other organelles. they then cause the cell to manufacture more copies of the virus. the hose cell eventually bursts, this releases many new viruses which will then infect healthy cells.
  • What disease that is caused by a bacteria, and mainly impacts the lungs?
  • What type of pathogen is tuberculosis caused by?
  • What bacterial disease causes an infection of the meninges?
    Bacterial meningitis
  • What are the characteristics of tuberculosis?
    it is a disease that affects many parts of the body, killing cells and tissues; the lungs are most affected.
  • what disease causes a ring of decay in the vascular tissue of a potato tuber or tomato accompanied by leaf wilting?
    ring rot
  • What pathogen causes ring rot?
  • What pathogen causes HIV/AIDS?
  • What are the characteristics of ring rot in plants?
    Ring of decay in the vascular tissue of a potato tuber or tomato, accompanied by leaf wilting
  • What are the characteristics of HIV/AIDS?
    Attacks cells in the immune system, compromising the immune response.
  • what are the characteristics of the flu/influenza?
    Attacks respiratory system, and causes muscle pains and headaches
  • What type of pathogen causes influenza?
  • What pathogen causes the tobacco mosaic...virus?
  • What are the characteristics of tobacco mosaic virus?
    Causes mottling and discolouration of leaves
  • What are the characteristics of Black sigatoka?
    Causes leaf spots on banana plants, this causes a reduced yield
  • What pathogen causes black sigatoka?
  • What pathogen causes tomato/potato blight?
    Protoctista (Protocist)
  • What pathogen causes ringworm in cattle?
  • What pathogen causes athlete's foot?
  • What pathogen causes malaria?
  • What is the vector for malaria?
  • What are the characterisitcs of malaria?
    Parasite in the blood that causes headaches, fever and may progress to coma and or death.
  • describe the characterisitcs of athletes foot
    Growth under skin of feet, specifically between toes.
  • Describe the characteristics of ringworm in a cattle
    Growth of fungus with spore cases, erupting through skin to cause a rash