parasocial relationships

Cards (4)

  • parasocial relationships: one-sided where one person extends emotional time, energy and interest. The other person is unaware of the other's existence.
  • Celebrity attitude scale - McCutcheon (2002): a way of measuring parasocial relationships.
    Maltby (2006) generated three levels of parasocial relationships based on the celebrity attitudes
    1. entertainment social - least intense, doesn't occupy the mind as much, just gossip. It is just purely a form of entertainment by reading, watching things about them
    2. intense-personal level - intermediate level, greater personal involvement. Have compulsive thoughts about the celebrity
    3. bordeline pathological - strongest level, uncontrollable fantasies with extreme behaviour - over-identification, stalking
  • the absorption-addiction model = reasons why, they are generated due to personal inadequacies through a low-self esteem or weak identity.
    1. aborsption = become completely absorbed by the celebrity and over identify with them. They then become preoccupied with the celeb and identify with them.
    2. addiction = seeking greater involvement so that the parasocial relationship becomes all consuming
  • attachment theory explanation: Bowlby and Ainsworth
    • fans exhibit proximity seeking as a part of their parasocial relationships (going to their concerts).
    • celebrities are unlikely to reject parasocial fans, which can provide a secure base (name of fan groups)
    • individual protest following separation or loss, showing separation anxiety (stop releasing music).
    insecure-resistant: most likely to form a parasocial relationship as it fulfills unmet needs
    secure: less likely, already form long-lasting
    insecure-avoidant: no concern or interest, cannot form any type