
Cards (25)

  • Rf = distance moved by substance / distance moved by solvent
  • Pure substance is made up of just one element or compound
  • Test for water is that it will turn anhydrous copper sulfate blue.
  • A mixture changes state at a range of temperatures
  • Impurities lower the melting point and raises it bowling point
  • Mobile phase is the solvent
  • stationary phase is the paper
  • The more soluble a substance the further travel up the paper
  • Lithium - crimson
  • Sodium - yellow
  • Potassium - lilac
  • Calcium - orange
  • Copper - green
  • Aluminium ions are present when excess sodium hydroxide dissolves
  • Copper forms a blue precipitate
  • Iron (II) ions forms a green precipitate
  • Iron (III) forms a brown precipitate
  • You can identify halides by adding nitric acid, the a Silver nitrate solution
  • Chloride - white precipitate
  • Bromide - cream precipitate
  • Iodide - yellow precipitate
  • You can identify sulfates by adding hydrochloric acid then barium chloride solution to produce a white precipitate of barium sulfate
  • Modern instrumental methods of analysis are rapid, accurate and sensitive
  • Use the line spectrum to identify a substance in flame emission spectroscopy by comparing
  • Instrumental method equipments are usually very expensive and need special training to use it