Left hemisphere reformed and right hemisphere adapted
Therefore, this proves that new synaptic connections can be made
Real-world application
Understanding plasticity has led to the development of neurorehabilitation
Understanding that axonal growth is possible encourages new therapies to be tried
E.g. constraint-induced movement therapies used with stroke patients (unaffected body part is restrained)
Therefore, research into functional recovery has a practical use in the medical field
Individual differences
Individual differences may affect recovery rates
Schneider - those who spend longer in education 7x more likely to make a disability-free recovery, one year after a severe brain injury
He found 39% of patients with 16+ years of education made a DFR compared to 10% of those with less than 12 years of education
Counterpoint to individual differences
educational achievement may have been affected by an intervening variable
A third variable may account for the relationship - e.g. socioeconomic status, overall health or greater social support which means they are more likely to achieve in education and more likely to recover functionally
The relationship noted by Schneider may be due to other external factors (and not entirely due to neural adaptability)