Biological Explanations SZ AO1

Cards (16)

  • what does the genetic explanation suggest about SZ?
    • Evidence suggests that the closer the biological relationship, the greater the risk of developing schizophrenia. 
    • For example, you will have a greater risk if both your biological parents have schizophrenia compared with just one of them having it. 
  • how is SZ polygenetic?
    • There isn’t one single gene that seems to be responsible, but a number of genes. 
    • For example, COMT, DRD4 , AKT1 - have all been associated with excess dopamine in specific D2 receptors, leading to positive symptoms, including delusions and hallucinations.
  • what do twin studies suggest about SZ?
    • Twin studies have also been done to look at the concordance rates of developing schizophrenia. 
    • As MZ twins share 100% of their genetics, whereas DZ twins share only 50%, we would expect that if one MZ twin develops schizophrenia there will be a stronger likelihood the other twin will, compared with if one DZ twin develops schizophrenia
    • useful as you can isolated nature and nurture in MZ twin studies
  • what are assumptions of the biological explanation?
    • all mental disorders have a physical cause - micro-organisms, genetics, biochemistry or neuroanatomy
    • mental illnesses can be described in terms of clusters of symptoms
    • symptoms can be identified, leading to diagnosis of an illness
    • diagnosis leads to appropriate physical treatments
  • what did Gottesman and Shields do?
    • reviewed 5 studies looking for concordance rates of SZ
    • 210 MZ twins and 319 DZ twins
    • found strong concordance rates - MZ - 48% risk, DZ - 17% risk
    • compared to general population of 1 % - supports a biological view as prevalence doesn't vary with environment - nature
  • what is the neural correlates explanation?
    • refers to brain structure and how this may explain schizophrenia.
    • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and the original dopamine hypothesis stated that schizophrenics suffered from an excessive amount of dopamine.
    • This causes the neurons that use dopamine to fire too often and transmit too many messages.
    • The symptoms this can then cause include positive symptoms, such a delusions, hallucinations and psychomotor disturbances.
  • what does a more recent dopamine hypothesis suggest?
    A more recent dopamine explanation suggests that it is not excessive dopamine but that there are more dopamine receptors. More receptors lead to more firing and an over production of messages.
  • what is hyperdopaminegia?
    • Excessive levels of dopamine in the Subcortex & Broca’s Area
  • what is hypodopaminergia?
    • Low levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex
  • where did the dopamine hypothesis come from?
    • The hypothesis is based principally on the knowledge that antipsychotic drugs reduce dopamine activity.
    • Antipsychotic drugs can cause side effects similar to Parkinson’s disease, a disease that is known to be caused by low levels of dopamine in the brain
  • what is an antagonist?
    a substance that depresses the effects of an agonist
  • what is an agonist?
    a substance which initiates a physiological response when combined with a receptor
  • what is the Grilly 2002 study?
    • Individuals with Parkinson’s disease suffer from low levels of dopamine.
    • They were prescribed L-Dopa (the precursor to dopamine) to raise dopamine in the brain.
    • Some individuals went on to develop schizophrenia-like symptoms
  • what are amphetamines?
    • Drugs that act as a dopamine agonist.
    • Synapses get flooded with dopamine.
    • Large doses can cause hallucinations and delusions.
    • Can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia in individuals with the disorder.
    • shows why there's a high comorbidity between SZ and substance abuse
  • what does Gottesman and Shields graph suggest?
    • a correlation between number of shared genes and risk of developing schizophrenia
    • MZ twins 100% genes - 48% - most at risk, whereas general population - 1%
    • risk increases with number of shared genes
    • strong empirical evidence for genetics driving SZ
  • what does the most recent dopamine hypothesis suggest?
    • that there is too much dopamine in subcortex - hyperdopaminegia
    • there is a deficit of dopamine in cortex - hypodopaminegia