genetic inheritance 6.1.4

Cards (25)

  • characteristics are controlled by genes, located on chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell
  • chromosomes are made of dna
  • one gene encode for the production of one protein
  • genes can have different forms called alleles
  • some alleles are dominant - the characteristic they code for is always expressed
  • other alleles are recessive- they are only expressed if no dominant alleles are present
  • some characteristics are controlled by a single gene
  • dominant alleles are represented by capital letters
  • recessive alleles are represented by lowercase letters
  • you have two copies of each gene for one on each chromosome in a pair
  • a genotype is the combinations of alleles you have
  • a phenotype is the characteristics you have
  • homozygous is when an organism has two alleles for a particular gene that are the same, both copies of the gene are the same allele
  • homozygous recessive are two recessive alleles
  • homozygous dominant are two dominant alleles
  • heterozygous is when an organism has two alleles for a particular gene that are different
  • a carrier is when a person inherits one recessive allele but this characteristic is not expressed
  • carriers are heterozygous because it contains one recessive allele and one dominant allele
  • if there isnt a key provided for a punnet square, give a key for the letters you used
  • on the punnet square itself:
    • label the parents gametes
    • write the phenotype of the offspring as well as the genotype
    • write either a percentage, fraction or decimal to show the probability of inheriting each phenotype
  • the alleles A and B both code for different proteins found on the surface of red blood cells (called antigens)
  • the two forms of the sex chromosomes are XX and XY
  • the sex chromosomes determine the gender
  • XY is the male, XX is the female
  • for genetic tree diagrams:
    • find parents with the same phenotype who have offspring with two different phenotypes
    • these parents are heterozygous
    • whichever phenotype the parents have is caused by the dominant allele