Cards (6)

  • P: Problems with evidence - Moscovici
  • B:
    Moscovici's task of identifying the colour of a slide is artificial. This shows that research into minority influence is too far removed from how minorities attempt to change majority behaviour in real life. In real life cases like jury decisions and political campaigns, the outcomes are far more important.
  • S:
    This suggests that research findings may lack external validity and cannot explain how minority influence works in real-world social situations. THEN LINK TO THE QUESTION!!!
  • Further problems arise when trying to apply explanations to real life minority influence.
  • B: There are real life complications with minority influence that are difficult to study in a lab: In real life, there is more involved that just numbers when it comes to the minority and majority. Majorities usually have more power and status. Minorities are often very committed to their cause because they face such hostile opposition.
  • S: This suggests that... there are political and social factors that complicate minority influence in real life which are not considered in minority influence research. This means we cannot apply findings to real life minority influence settings.