Ideology and Science

Cards (10)

  • Popper - science as a belief system
    Science = open belief system - open to challenge
    Falsification - proving theories wrong
  • Merton - science as a belief system

    Science = open belief system
    CUDOs norms
    Communism = information shared by everyone
    Universalism = evidence agreed by everyone across the world
    Disinterestedness = scientists not interested in egos/fame
    Organised skepticism - encourage findings to be challenges
  • Horton - religion as a belief system
    Religion = closed belief system
    Monopoly of truth
    Irrefutable truth claims - can't be proved or disproved
  • Polyani - religion as a belief system
    Religion = closed belief system
    Self-sustaining techniques:
    • Circularity = arguments where the conclusion proves the premise and the premise proves the conclusion
    • Subsidiary explanations = arguments that explain any flaw with a new argument
    Suppression of rival conceptions = arguments designed to dismiss scientific explanations
  • Gould - science + religion

    Compatibility of science and religion - argues they can co-exist
    • science = proves objective, scientific facts
    • religion = subjective, morals e.g. what is right and wrong
  • Kuhn - science as a belief sustem

    Science = closed belief system
    Science = paradigm
    if you go against scientific paradigm, you're disregarded
    Paradigm shifts = take years
    Social construction of science - science has too much power in society
  • Wooglar - science as a belief system
    Science = closed belief system
    Astrologists categorised sound patterns from space as Little Green Men/LGM
    Replaced this with 'pulsars' making themselves look more credible
  • Marx - ideology

    Religion spreads the ruling class ideology that normalises capitalism and creates a false consciousness
  • Roy - ideology

    Society = dominated by ideology that makes people think men are superior to women
    Patriarchy in science
    • understanding women's physiology less than men's
    • medicalisation of pregnancy
  • Geller - ideology

    Ideology of nationalism
    Nationalism = most important ideology in modernity
    Modernity = individualism - nationalism needed by political leaders to unify people

    Critique: Nationalism isn't as powerful as society is becoming more individual, less likely to value national identity