Schaffer + Emerson stages of attachment

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  • Aim of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment
    Investigate early attachment formation using 60 working class glasgliw babies. Visit babies monthly
  • procedure of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Mother separates from baby and introduce stranger daily
  • Findings of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    7 months age: 50% has both anxieties, 10 months most babies had specific attachment but some had multiple
  • Conclusion of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Being responsive to baby is important in attachment formation
  • stages of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment
    A-social stage= 2 months, humans objects the same
    indiscriminate= 2-7 month, social and easily comforted
    specific = 7-12, stranger and separation anxiety
    multiple= 12+ multiple attachments such as siblings
  • weakness of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Lacks population and temporal validity
  • strength of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    ecological validaty= natural behaviour observed by mother, relate to world
  • weakness of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Self report bias from mothers
  • Weakness of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Difficult to observe A social stage, baby is immobile and not talking. Not valid and less understood
  • weakness of Schaffer + Emersons study into stages of attachment

    Confusion over stages, Van izjendorn suggest babies form multiple attachments straight away, collectivist cultures have multiple caregivers. Low generalisability