Cards (4)

  • Monocropping: growing a single species of crop
    • highly efficient harvest, pesticide, and fertilizer application
    • greatly decreases biodiversity
    • increases soil erosion
    • decreases habitat diversity
  • tilling: mixing and breaking up the soil to make planting easier
    • also loosens soil for roots
    • soil erosion by loosening top soil
    • loss of organic matter and topsoil nutrients overtime
    • increased PM in air and sediments in nearby water
  • Slash & Burn: cutting down vegatation and burning it to clear land for agriculture and return nutrients in plants to soil
    • deforestation --> loss of habitat, biodiversity, CO2 sequestration, loss of air pollution filtration
    • Release of GHGs
    • increase in PM
    • lowers albedo making area warmer
  • Synthetic fertilizers:
    • don't return organic matter to soil; no increased H2O holding capacity and no soil decomposers
    • leaching: water carries excess nutrients into groundwater or into surface water
    • contaminates groundwater, which leads to eutrophication