Drugs and doping

Cards (20)

  • Ethics
    Rules that dictate an individual's conduct. They form a system of rules that groups and societies are judged on.
  • Blood doping
    Defined by WADA as the misuse of techniques and / or substances to increase ones red blood cell count
  • Deviance
    Unacceptable behaviour within a culture. Any behaviour that differs from perceived social or legal norms.
  • Illegal consumption of PEDs and blood doping are examples of deviance
  • Blood doping
    • A process that increases a persons Red blood cell count
    • More RBC means higher volumes of haemoglobin
    • This allows a higher level of performance
  • Blood doping process
    1. Approximatley 2 pints of blood is removed from the body
    2. The blood is frozen , thawed and reinjected prior to competition
  • Blood doping has been used by some endurance athletes like runners and cyclists.
  • Performance enhancing drugs
    Substances taken that enhance an individuals performance
  • Anabolic steroids
    allow athletes to train harder for longer and often increase strength and aggression.
  • Beta blockers
    Control heart rate and keep athlete calm
  • Stimulants
    increase alertness. eg caffeine , amphetamines
  • Other prohibited substances are narcotic analgesics, peptide hormones , masking agents.
  • Legal supplements can be used to maximise training and performancr
  • Advantages of legal supplements
    • Dietary supplements are claimed to help to build muscle, increase stamina and control weight
    • Ergogenic aids increase strength, performance and recovery.
    • Staying hydrated through drinking water or energy drinks can improve and aid performance
  • Disadvantages of legal supplements
    • Some supplements may not be what they seem and could contain banned substances or be contaminated
    • Health implications have been suggested for long term use of creatine eg- increased risk of cancer
    • Energy drink contain high levels of sugar which contributes to obesity and tooth decay
    • Taking supplements may not be seen as in the spirit of fair play
  • Why elite performers use illegal drugs and doping ?
    • Pressure to succeed , can affect a performers judgement and decion making.
    • Pressure from coaches
    • Political pressure eg. russian doping scandal
    • High monetary rewards for winning and profitable sponsorship deals
    • Thinking everyone else is doing it.
  • Societal consequences of drug taking in sport
    Society is seen as corrupt and full of unethical citizens who will do anything to ' win at all costs '
  • Sporting consequences of drug taking in sport
    • The concept of fair play is severely challenged
    • Cheating
    • Sports become ' tainted ', struggling to gain sponsorship, eg -cycling - loss of public support.
  • Performer consequences of drug taking in sport
    • Severe dangers to health and wellbeing
    • Possible death
  • Strategies to stop the use of illegal drugs and doping
    • Increased drug testing can be performed in and out of competitions
    • Drug education can be provided for athletes and coaches
    • Punishments for drug use are to be more rigorous and longer. WADA doubled the length of the ban for doping offences in 2015