Influence of early attachment

Cards (11)

  • What is the IWM?
    A schema for relationships
  • What is the continutiy hypothesis?
    The attachment type continues through geerations
  • What was the aim of Hazan and Shavers love quiz?
    Sought information about respondants current childhood attchment.
  • What were the results of Hazan and Shavers love quiz?
    Those with a negative resistant/avoidant PAF are more likely to be divorced. Those with a secure attachment are more likely to be married and have long lasting love. Supports the IWM
  • Explain the procedure of the Minnesota longitudinal study?
    267 first time mums (babies are now 32) they have been studied, observed and assessed in infancy on a monthly basis. Then every 6 months in childhood, and by the time they were 20, every 2-4 years.
  • Explain the results of the Minnesota longitudinal study?
    Babies who had secure attachment were more popular, content and confident. Research is now focused on IWM effecting adult relationships and parenthood.
  • Explain the procedure of Simpsons study?
    Longitudinal study of 78 pps at 4 different stages of life:
    • Age 1, rated by parents on attachment behaviour
    • 6-8 rated by teachers on interaction with peers
    • 16, self report on own reltionships
    • Young adults, reported by partner about relationships
  • Explain the findings of Simpsons study?
    PPS who were securley attached as infants were more popular as children and adolecents has closer friendships. Supports emotional intelegence.
  • What was the evidence against Bowlby?

    Attachment is not stable and that your current relationship can determine your attachment type. This is why some people who are insecurley attached as infants can have securley happy marriages. If they meet the right person they will live happily ever after.
  • What is the research behind bullying?
    Early attachment type can cause bullying behaviour during childhood. Wilson and smith gave questionnaires in london and found:
    • secure children were very unlikely to be involves or be bullies.
    • Resistant children were more likely to be bullied
    • Avoidant children were more likely to be victims.
  • What is the research behind parenting?
    Early attachment type affects and individuals parenting style in the future. Bailey (2007) investigated attachment of 99 women to their mothers and their own babies. and found strong evidence that the majority had the same attachment style.