Cards (15)

  • What is the type of CBT offered to people with schizophrenia called?
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
  • How often does CBTp usually take place?
    Once every ten days
  • How many sessions does CBTp typically involve?
    12-16 sessions
  • In what settings can CBTp be performed?
    Individually or in a group setting
  • What is the main psychological treatment used with schizophrenia?
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
  • What does NICE recommend for all patients with schizophrenia?
    They should be offered CBTp
  • What is usually prescribed first to enable CBT to be more effective?
    Antipsychotic drugs
  • What does CBT involve patients trying to change?
    Irrational thoughts into more rational ones
  • What role does the therapist play in CBTp?
    Provides empathy and proposes alternative theories
  • Why is it important to consider alternative theories in CBTp?
    To help patients feel less threatened
  • What can hallucinations and delusions be for the patient?
    Very scary
  • What is encouraged for patients to test in CBTp?
    The validity of their faulty thoughts
  • What does CBT ideally help the patient to do?
    Come up with their own alternatives to faulty delusions
  • What are the key components of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)?
    • Offered to people with schizophrenia
    • Takes place once every ten days
    • Involves 12-16 sessions
    • Can be individual or group therapy
    • Aims to change irrational thoughts
    • Uses empathy and alternative theories
    • Encourages testing the validity of thoughts
  • how is Ellis ABC model used
    to change their irrational belief into a rational one to provide a more adaptive behavioral consequence