positive symptoms

Cards (8)

  • what are positive symptoms
    symptoms that aren't usually present in the normal population.
    • delusions & hallucinations
  • delusions
    beliefs that are held despite there being no evidence to support them. they can lead to strange behavior, like covering windows
  • three types of delusions
    • paranoid delusions
    • delusions of grandeur
    • delusions linked to the body
  • paranoid delusions
    when people believe that people are out to get them or trying to hurt them
    • an example is they may think that there are hidden cameras watching them
  • delusions of grandeur
    when people believe they are important or famous or have additional powers
    • example is believing they are god
  • delusions linked to body
    when people believe that their movements are being controlled by someone else
    • an example is believing that aliens have invaded their mind
  • auditory hallucinations
    false perceptions that aren't reality
    • auditory are the most common and s where they hears voices , often abusive or offer critical running commentary on their behavior
    • they could be telling them to do things that could be harmful to themselves or other people
    • the voice could be someone familiar to them or not
    • it could be a single voice or many
  • other hallucinations
    • visual - seeing things that others cant or facial distortions
    • tactical - touch based hallucinations, feeling like someone is touching you
    • smell and taste