this can be assessed by asking the same clinician to speak to the same patient and see if they get the same diagnosis
inter-rater reliability
involves seeing whether two or more clinicians who speak to the same patient give the same diagnosis
cheniaux study findings - inter-rater reliability
asked 2 clinicians to diagnose 100 p's
findings = clinician1 using DSM diagnosed 26 vs clinician 2 using DSM diagnosed 13
clinician 1 using ICD diagnosed 44 vs clinician 2 diagnosed 24
Cheniaux conclusion
results suggest that there in poor inter-rater reliability between clinicians and shows that patients are more likely to be diagnosed using the ICD than the DSM = showing poor reliability between DSM and ICD.
this is a weakness of diagnosing depression as there aren't reliable measures
gave a description of a patient to 134 US and 194 British psychiatrists
found 69% of US physiatrist's diagnosed schizophrenia but 2% of British did
= poor inter-reliability across cultures because the same symptoms an be presented but the diagnosis is different