Cards (4)

  • Mertons Perspective
    • Merton argues that peoples goals are determined by the values pf their culture, eg in USA people socialised to believe in American dream (anyone can work hard and become successful)
  • Mertons Perspective
    Some people accept goal of achieving economic success but lack opportunities to succeed through socially accepted routes , eg working class people have limited chance to find good jobs with good salaries
  • Mertons Perspective
    • People may strain between goals they have been socialised to achieve and means of achieving them, in this condition anomie (breakdown of norms) develops and people turn to whatever means work for them to achieve success, when anomie develops high rates of crime are likely
  • Criticisms of Merton
    • Juvenile delinquency (criminal behaviour committed by those under age of legal adulthood) such as vandalism is motivated by goal of making money
    • Not clear why some people faced with anomie break the rules, while others conform
    • Many sociologists argue society is based on conflict between powerful and subordinate groups rather than consensus
    • Marxists argue Merton fails to consider power relations in society, or who makes laws and benefit from them