big data and data mining

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  • What is Big Data?
    process of collecting and analysing large data sets from traditional and digital sources to identify trends and patterns that can be used in decision-making.
  • quantity of data generated is growing exponentially, including data generated by:
    Retail e-commerce databases
    • User-interactions with websites and mobile apps
    Usage of logistics, transportation systems, financial and health care
    Social media data
    • Location data (e.g. GPS-generated)
    Internet of Things (IoT) data generated
  • How Businesses are Using Big Data
    Tracking and monitoring the performance, safety and reliability of operational equipment (e.g. data generated by sensors)
    • Generating marketing insights into the needs and wants of customers, based on the transactions, feedback, comments (e.g. from e-commerce analytics, social media posts). Big data is revolutionising traditional market research.
    Improved decision-making - for example analysing the real-time impact of pricing changes or other elements of the marketing mix
  • What is Data Mining?
    process of analysing data from different perspectives and summarising it into useful information, including discovery of previously unknown interesting patterns, unusual records or dependencies.
  • potential business benefits from effective data mining
    • Identifying previously unseen relationships between business data sets
    • Better predicting future trends & behaviours
    • Extract commercial (e.g. performance insights) from big data sets
  • Data Mining and Marketing
    • Sales forecasting: analysing when customers bought to predict when they will buy again
    • Database marketing: examining customer purchasing patterns and looking at the demographics and psychographics of customers to build predictive profiles
    Market segmentation: a classic use of data mining, using data to break down a market into meaningful segments like age, income, occupation or gender
    • E-commerce basket analysis: using mined data to predict future customer behaviour by past performance, including purchases and preferences