Arrays: A data structure for storing a finite, ordered set of data of the same data type within a single identifier.
Boolean: A data type that can only store one of two possible values (1 or 0, TRUE or FALSE etc.)
Character: A data type for storing a letter, number or special character..
Data Type: An attribute of data that determines what sort of data is being stored that tells the compiler how it will be used in a program.
Date/Time: A data type for storing date or time values in an identifiable format.
Integer: A data type for storing whole number values (positive or negative) with no decimal parts.
Language-Defined (Built-In) Data Types: A primitive data type provided by a programming language.
Records: A data structure that stores related data items in elements called fields, organised based on attributes.
String: A data type for storing a sequence of alphanumeric characters or symbols, typically within quotation marks.
User-Defined Data Types: Custom data types designed by the user by combining existing data types, for the bespoke needs of their program.
Assignment: A statement for giving a created variable a value that is consistent with its data type.
Constant Declaration: A statement for creating a constant in a program.
Iteration: A programming structure where a set of statements are repeated a fixed number of times (definite iteration), or until a condition is met (indefinite iteration).
Nested Iteration: A programming structure of placing iteration loops within other iteration loops.
Nested Selection: A programming structure of placing selection statements within other selection statements.
Selection: A programming structure for deciding which statements to perform next based on a certain condition or set of conditions.
Subroutines (Procedures/Functions): A uniquely named section of code that is written to perform a specific task within a program that can be called by using its name in a programming statement.
Variable Declaration: A statement for creating a variable in a program. The variable is defined with a name and sometimes a data type.
Addition: An arithmetic operator that returns the sum of two numeric values (integer or floats).
Integer Division: An arithmetic operator that divides a numeric value (integer or float) by another but returns an integer quotient.
Modulo: An arithmetic operator that divides a numeric value (integer or float) by another and returns the remainder.
Multiplication: An arithmetic operator that returns the product of two numeric values (integers or floats).
Rounding: An arithmetic operator that converts a real/float to a more approximate representation that reduces the number of digits to represent the number by rounding up or down to a given number of decimal places.
Subtraction: An arithmetic operator that returns the difference between two numeric values (integers or floats).
Truncation: An arithmetic operator that reduces the number of digits to represent a real/float by cutting off a number after a given number of decimal places
Equal To: A relational operator that returns TRUE if and only if the two values in question are the same.
Greater Than: A relational operator that returns TRUE if and only if the first value is larger than the second.
Greater Than Or Equal To: A relational operator that returns TRUE if the first value is larger than the second, or if they are equal.
Less Than: A relational operator that returns TRUE if and only if the first value is smaller than the second.
Less Than Or Equal To: A relational operator that returns TRUE if the first value is smaller than the second, or if they are equal.
Not Equal To: A relational operator that returns TRUE if and only if the two values in question are not the same.
Relational Operators: An operator that compares two values and returns TRUE or FALSE.
AND (∧): A boolean operator which returns TRUE (or 1) if and only if all inputs are TRUE (or 1).
NOT (¬): A boolean operator which returns TRUE (or 1) if and only if the input is FALSE (or 0).
Boolean Operators: An operator that compares two boolean values and returns TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0).
Constants: A data item that, once declared, retains the same value for the entire duration of the program run.
Variables: A data item that, once declared, can be used as a short term memory container for a temporary value that may change over the duration of the program run.
Character Code: A binary representation of a character using the rules of a character set (eg. ASCII or Unicode). Characters can be converted to and from character code.
Concatenation: A function used to merge two strings into a single longer string.
Length: A function that returns the number of characters (including spaces) present in a given string.