
Cards (5)

    • Negative feedback control:
    • Any movement away from a base level 
    • Automatic corrective mechanisms restore the base level 
    • when a change triggers a response that reduces the effect of that change
  • homeostasis -
    • Maintaining a constant internal environment despite changes in external environment 
    • Involves constant monitoring (eg chemo and baroreceptors) and correcting of certain parameters before they cause damage to the body 
  • positive feedback:
    when an initial change is increased further, pushing conditions further away from the base level
  • system of negative feedback:
    • A change in a factor away from the optimum/base level
    • the change is detected by a receptor and hormones are released  OR  nerve impulses are sent 
    • hormone/impulse reaches target
    • effector performs corrective action
    • factor returns to the optimum/ base level
  • Homeostasis ensures that fluctuations of internal conditions are kept within narrow limits