
Cards (32)

  • When were systematic approaches to evidence taken?
    The 16th century
  • When did modern science develop?
    Between the 16th and 18th century
  • Did religion conflict with early science?
    No, most scientists were Christian
  • What did Nicolaus Copernicus propose?
    That the sun was stationary and the earth revolved around it
  • What did Aquinas say about reason?
    "Reason helps to understand God"
  • What did Hume say about reason?
    "Reason also points away from God"
  • What 2 things impacted Christian belief in the 17th century?
    Empiricism and rationalism
  • What did Bertrand Russel say about the man of science?
    "It is not what the man of science believes that distinguishes him, but how and why he believes it"
  • Induction
    Observation and testing
  • Deduction
    Taking information from a preposition
  • What does scientism believe?
    Discovering evidence is the only route to knowledge
  • How does science threaten Christianity?
    If everything can be explained through physical laws, there is little room for a belief in a personal God who enters nature and impacts its operation
  • What does John Polkinghorne argue?
    An ordered universe suggests an intelligent, but impersonal designer
  • What did Kierkegaard argue about faith?
    It is a personal commitment separate from scientific fact
  • What does Paul Tillich say about symbols?
    They need to be understood in relation to existential questions concerning the purpose of life
  • Empiricism
    The view that all knowledge starts from sense experience
  • Rationalism
    The view that all knowledge starts with the process of human thought
  • Natural selection
    One of the basic mechanisms of evolution where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring
  • Existentialism
    Humans create their own personal reality
  • What does NOMA stand for?
    Non-overlapping magisteria
  • Who came up with NOMA?
    Stephen Jay Gould
  • What is NOMA?
    The belief that science and religion represent different ideas of mastery, there is a complete difference between their domains of authority
  • What does POMA stand for?
    Partially overlapping magisteria
  • Who came up with POMA?
    Allister McGrath
  • Rationalism
    Using the mind rather than the body to work things out
  • What did Descartes believe about the senses?
    They deceive us and cannot be trusted
  • What happens to God when everything can be explained through physical law?
    Becomes impersonal and cannot intervene in nature
  • What are the advantages to diesm?
    • Religious explanation for the predictable nature of the universe
    • Cannot be easily challenged by science- God leaves the universe
  • Providence
    God providing for people in circumstance
  • What does Polkinghorne believe about deism?
    It does not allow for a personal God
  • Deductive approach
    If one proposition is true, others may be deduced
  • Inductive approach
    Depends on observation and testing