interactionist approach to schizophrenia

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  • The diathesis stress model:
    • Believes that schizophrenia is the result of an interaction between biological and environmental influences 
    • Both vulnerability to schizophrenia and stress -trigger needed to develop schizophrenia 
    • Additivity - diathesis and stress add together in some way to on set schizophrenia - e.g minor stressors lead to the onset for someone who has high vulnerability. Or major stress event causes a similar reaction for someone with low vulnerability 
  • Meehl's diathesis stress model (1962) -
    • The diathesis (vulnerability) is entirely genetic - single schizogene - led to biological schizotypic personality 
    • If you don’t have schizogene - there is no amount of stress that would cause schizophrenia 
    • Chronic stress through childhood and adolescence - particularly having a schizophrenogenic mother - could result in disorder 
  • Modern understanding of diathesis
    • Ripke et al - provides evidence that there is no single schizogene - more genes increase vulnerability
    • Read et al - proposed a neurodevelopmental model - early trauma alters the developing brain (eg- child abuse) impacts development -eg-  H(hypothalamus)P(pituitary gland)A(adrenal gland) axis becoming overactive and more vulnerable to later stress 
  • Modern understanding of stress 
    • Stress doesn’t have to be psychological 
    • Research has found that factors that increase the risk of triggering schizophrenia include cannabis use - cannabis users 7x more likely to develop schizophrenia 
    • Cannabis interferes with dopamine systems  - however not every cannabis user develops schizophrenia
  • Modern understanding of stress 
    • Varese et al - children who experience severe trauma before 16 were 3x more likely to develop schizophrenia 
    • Vassos et al - meta-analysis - risk for schizophrenia in urban environments is 2.37x higher - possible more adverse living conditions in densely populated areas 
  • supportive evidence for the interactionist approach: Teinari - 19000 Finnish children with biologically schizophrenic mothers (high genetic risk) compared with a control group of adoptees (low genetic risk). high degrees of expressed emotion associated with schizophrenia but only in the high genetic risk group. - This means that the combination of genetic and psychological elements was required for schizophrenia – supporting the idea of the diathesis stress model
    - gives the interactionist approach higher validity and credibility in terms of explaining schizophrenia 
  • opposing evidence for interactionist approach: it is difficult to define ‘stress’ – it is subjective. Individuals have varying thresholds when it comes to stress – also we don't know when these stressors need to occur? (relating to diathesis stress) – unclear if stress is the trigger or the vulnerability. this suggests that the interactionist approach cannot explain how the interactions of stress and genes trigger schizophrenia – stress is too ambiguous
  • applications of interactionist approach: Interactionist treatments- tarrier et al – randomly allocated 315 pps to drugs + cbtp, drugs + counselling or just drugs – patients in the combo groups showed lower symptoms than those just on drug therapies. - This means that the explanation can help in real life scenarios and so is accurate at explaining why schizophrenia develops - BUT... Economic impacts – combo treatments can cost the NHS a lot (more than just drug therapy)