Cards (34)

  • Personality is the patterns of thoughts and feelings and the way we interact with our environment and other people that make us a unique person
  • Personality is an individuals behavioural characteristics that make them different from others
  • Trait theory has two sub-theories; Eysenck and Narrow band
  • A trait is a characteristic of a personality inherited at birth
  • Trait theory
    • natural instincts causing an individual to act in a certain way
    • behaviour can be predicted in various situations
    • stable, enduring and consistent
    • personality is innate
    • we can't change our true personality traits
  • Positives of Trait theory
    • Often similar traits to our parents
    • Often see personality traits that are enduring (stay constant throughout life)
  • Negatives of Trait theory
    • Often people are nothing like their biological parents
    • Some people's personality changes as they grow up
    • Sometimes people's personality changes depending on the situation they are in
  • Narrow Band Approach Theory is split into two personality types; type A and type B
  • Type A:
    • highly competitive
    • works fast
    • like to control
    • prone to suffer stress
  • Type B:
    • non-competitive
    • works more slowly
    • does not enjoy control
    • less prone to stress
  • Narrow band approach may help understanding of athletes personal anxiety, develop intervention activities and prevent state anxiety affecting performance.
  • Eysenck's theory is a continuum between extrovert - introvert and stable - unstable
  • Extrovert - Introvert, is related to the level of stimulation we seek
  • Stable - Unstable, is related to emotion
  • Extroversion is a personality characteristic of a person who seeks social situations, likes excitement but lacks concentration
  • Introversion is a personality characteristic of a person who does not seek social situations and likes peace and quiet, but is good at concentration.
  • Introverts:
    • Quiet
    • Shy
    • Good concentration
    • Individual sports
    • Lacks social skills
  • Extroverts:
    • Loud
    • Sociable
    • Bad concentration
    • Team sports
    • Expressive
  • Stable - unchangeable, remains constant and predictable
  • Unstable - changeable and unpredictable
  • RAS - a series of nerve pathways into the brain which controls your overall level of consciousness
    • determines whether a person is inclined towards extroversion or introversion
  • RAS in extroverts:
    • RAS inhibits the effect of external stimuli leading to lower levels of arousal
    • Therefore, seek more external stimulation to get internal arousal from social situations
  • RAS in introverts:
    • high levels of arousal naturally
    • tend to avoid external stimulation
  • Social learning theory:
    • personality is learnt
    • personality is shaped by role models
    • personality is shaped by our environment
    • explains why we are similar to those we spend a lot of time with
  • Social learning theory
    Personality is built up from:
    • social experiences
    • our interactions with other
    • our environment
    • behaviour is unpredictable
  • Bandura:
    children shown aggressive role models
    then given the opportunity to imitate behaviour
  • Social learning theory equation:
    Behaviour = function of environment
  • Positives of social learning theory:
    • people often show similar traits to people they spend a lot of time with
    • peoples personality often changes as they are exposed to new people
    • identical twins separated at birth show different personality
  • Negatives of social learning theory:
    • Sometimes people's personality stays constant throughout life
    • Sometimes we are nothing like the people we spend time with
  • Interactionist perspective
    • a compromise
    • a combination of both personality traits and the environment
    • behaviour is unpredictable
  • Equation of interactionist theory:
    Behaviour = function of personality x environment
  • Hollanders model (interactionist theory):
    Psychological core - born personality traits
    Typical behaviour - the way our innate traits will make us act in day to day life
    Role-related behaviour - the way you are going to act in a certain situation
    Social environment - situation you are in
  • Positives of interactionist theory:
    • most complete theory
    • explains why people are often act differently in different situation
  • Negatives of interactionist theory:
    • sometimes peoples personality stays constant throughout life, showing no signs of social learning