Learning Theory of Attachment

Cards (10)

  • What 2 types of conditioning support the learning theory of attachment?
    1. Classical Conditioning
    2. Operant Conditioning
  • How does classical conditioning link to attachment?
    • Babies make an association between food and the caregiver who provides the food
    • Babies then become attached to the person providing food
  • How does operant conditioning link to attachment?
    1. Babies cry for comfort or to get fed
    2. Babies will continue to reinforce this behaviour so the attachment grows stronger (positive reinforcement)
    3. Parents will feed and comfort the baby to stop the crying (negative reinforcement)
  • According to the learning theory, what is a primary drive?
    Hunger is a primary drive as it is innate and natural
  • According to the learning theory, what is a secondary drive?

    Attachment is a secondary drive as it is learned by an association of the caregiver with the food (hunger being a primary drive)
  • Explain Classical Conditioning in terms of the learning theory
    Baby makes association between food and caregiver
  • AO3 Learning Theory: Counter evidence from Harlow
    • Harlow's monkey study contradicts Learning Theory
    • Monkeys displayed attachment to cloth mother suggesting contact comfort may be important in attachment
    • There may be other factors other than association that are needed in attachments
  • AO3 Learning Theory: Counter evidence from Schaffer and Emerson's study
    • There is a lack of support from the studies of human babies
    • Infants became attached to caregivers who interacted with them the most
    • Goes against learning theory that says food is the main factor in attachment
    • Maybe interactional synchrony is needed
  • AO3 Learning Theory: SLT may be more important
    • Parents teach children to love them through modelling attachment behaviours e.g hugging
    • Parents may reinforce loving behaviour by showing approval when babies display their own attachments
    • SLT is better as it shows the 2 way interaction between baby and caregiver
  • AO3 Learning Theory: Some conditioning may be involved
    • Some elements of conditioning may be involved in making attachments
    • It is unlikely that association of food play a central role of attachment but may play a role
    • A baby may associate feeling warm and comfortable presence with an adult
    • During their first year of life babies get fed many times giving plenty opportunity to form an attachment
    • This may influence a baby's choice of a main attachment figure