biological treatment

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Cards (15)

  • What is the definition of synaptic transmission?
    how neurotransmitters convey messages from presynaptic neurons to postsynaptic neurons where it is broken down and reused
  • What happens if the neurotransmitter is not passed to the receptor site?
    • Reabsorbed into reabsorption channel
    • The enzyme breaks down neurotransmitters if in the synapse for too long
  • What happens when you increase the levels of serotonin?
    Reduce levels of anxiety caused by obsessions that encourage the completion of compulsion
  • Drug therapy does NOT get rid of obsessions but REDUCES ANXIETY linked
  • Outline the antidepressant SSRIs as a treatment for OCD
    • Increase levels of serotonin
    • Block absorption of serotonin in presynaptic neuron into reabsorption channel to prolong activity in synapse and normalize worry circuit
    • Reduce anxiety (emotional symptoms) associated with obsessions
    EXAMPLE: Prozac
    • 2-3 weeks + 40-50% success rate
  • Outline the antidepressant Tricyclics as a treatment for OCD
    • Increase levels of serotonin
    • Block transporter mechanism that reabsorbs both serotonin and noradrenaline (anxiety-related) + prolongs activity in the brain
    • Reduce anxiety associated with obsessions
    EXAMPLE: Anafranil/Clomipramine
    • 2-3 weeks + 50-80% success rate
  • Outline the antianxiety drug BZs as a treatment for OCD
    • Slow nervous system to reduce anxiety
    • Enhancing action of the neurotransmitter GABA to have a calming effect on the brain by reducing the firing of signals
    • Reduce anxiety linked to obsessions
    EXAMPLE: Valium/Diazepam
    • 4 weeks + possible withdrawal symptoms
  • Outline psychosurgery as a treatment for OCD
    • Disrupt brain signals associated with OCD (worry loop)
    • Radio frequency waves to sever connections between OFC and thalamus
    • Alleviates worry + distress signals
  • Outline cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as an alternate treatment for OCD
    • Exposure to freedom of speech with a therapist that prevents avoidance
    • Densensitise patients to obsessions and reduce compulsive behaviours
    HOWEVER: it is not as effective on its own: interactionalist
  • What is the definition of an interactionalist?
    product from both biological and environmental influences