The Biological Approach

Cards (8)

  • Assumptions of the Biological Approach

    • Mind lives in the brain, all thoughts, feelings and behaviours have a physical basis - biological component
    • Everything physiological is at first biological - look at genes, neurochemistry and biological structures to understand behaviour
    • Behaviour is influenced by neurochemistry (neurotransmitters, hormones)
  • Role of genetics in the biological approach
    • Genetic makeup of individuals can influence their behaviour
    • Twin studies
    • Observe the influence of genes by studying monozygotic twins who share an identical genetic code
    • High concordance rate/ correlation between identical twins' behaviour may suggest a genetic component is involved
  • The Biological Approach - Suggests human behaviour is caused by biological factors like genes, neurotransmitters, physical structures (NS&brain)
  • Role of evolution in the Biological Approach
    • Any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individuals' survival with continue in future generations
  • Genotype
    Genetic makeup of an individual
  • Phenotype
    How behaviours & traits become expressed as a result of the genotype mixing with the environment
  • What is PKU
    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is rare genetic disorder that can be detected in babies using a heel prick test.
    Expression of PKU
    Genotype → PKU Gene
    Genotype + Environment → Phenotype
    PKU Genes + diet → Brain damage/no brain damage
  • Evaluation of the Biological Approach

    + Uses highly scientific methods (brain scans, twin studies)
    Using twins = strong control over variables. ↑ Internal Validity. Draw concl. confidently
    + Effective practical appl. Understanding of biochem processes led to drug treatments
    - Relies on twin studies to demonstrate genetic basis of behaviour. Twins share environments. Hard to differentiate whether genes/environment have the biggest effect
    - Assumes certain biological factors determine particular behaviours and this can't be changed. Reductionist