The Psychodynamic Approach

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  • The Psychodynamic Approach
    • Developed by Freud
    • Focuses mainly on explaining personality
    • Forms the basis of psychoanalytic theory
  • Role of the Unconscious
    • Freud believed a large part of the mind is inaccessible (unconscious) but influences behaviour. Like an iceberg
    • Unconscious concerns info the conscious mind would be uncomfortable with - its repressed by defence mechanisms to protect from anxiety
  • Defence Mechanisms
    • Repression - Unpleasant memory is pushed into the unconscious mind where it is not accessible to the conscious mind - can't induce anxiety
    • Denial This is a refusal to accept the reality of an unpleasant situation - reduces anxiety caused by that situation.
    • Displacement - Redirecting a strong emotion onto a neutral person/object. This reduces anxiety by allowing expression of that emotion.
  • Structure of personality
    ID - Present at birth. Seeks instant gratification
    Ego - Develops in anal stage. Mediator
    Superego - Develops in phallic stage. Pushes us to be good.
  • Psychosexual Stages
    Oral 0-2 yrs: Mouth focus. ID is dominant. Gratification achieved via feeding
    Anal 2-3 yrs: Anus focus. Ego develops via potty training. Gratification gained through expelling/withholding faeces
    Phallic 3-6yrs: Genital focus. Child passes through Oedipus/Electra stage. Gender identity & superego develop
    Latency 6-12yrs: Developing relationship with others focus. Previous three conflict stages are repressed
    Genital 12+: Focus of sexual energy directed toward relationships w/sexual partners
    RS: Little Hans case study
  • Evaluating The Psychodynamic Approach
    - Can't be studied scientifically. Unconscious can't be measured. Can't say if the approach is valid/not. No scientific credibility
    - Relies on case studies. Rare. Lacks ecological validity. Low generalizability
    + Introduced new form of therapy. Psychanalysis uses range of techniques to access the unconscious (e.g hypnosis) . External validity-has external validity