Psychodynamic explanation of gender developement

Cards (27)

  • How many stages are in Freud's developmental theory?
    Five stages
  • At what stage does gender development occur according to Freud?
    During the phallic stage
  • What ages define the phallic stage in Freud's theory?
    Ages 3 to 6
  • What does Freud say about children before the phallic stage?
    They are bi-sexual with no gender identity
  • What complex do boys experience during the phallic stage?
    The Oedipus Complex
  • What feelings do boys develop towards their mother in the Oedipus Complex?
    Incestuous feelings
  • What do boys feel towards their father in the Oedipus Complex?
    Jealousy due to power
  • What is castration anxiety in Freud's theory?
    Fear of being castrated by the father
  • How do boys resolve their castration anxiety?
    By identifying with their father
  • What complex do girls experience during the phallic stage?
    The Electra Complex
  • What do girls feel towards their mother in the Electra Complex?
    Double resentment
  • What is penis envy according to Freud?
    Desire for a penis due to feelings of inadequacy
  • How do girls resolve their penis envy according to Carl Jung?
    By desiring to have children
  • What is the outcome of girls' lack of castration anxiety?
    Weaker gender identity than boys
  • What do both sexes do to resolve their respective complexes?
    Identify with their same-sex parent
  • What do children internalize from their same-sex parent?
    Attitudes and values
  • When do children receive their gender identity according to Freud?
    At the end of the phallic stage
  • What are the strengths of the psychodynamic explanation of gender development?
    • Supporting research from Freud's Little Hans case
    • Levin's study linking unresolved complexes to mental health
    • Practical applications for parents to reduce gender stereotypes
  • What are the weaknesses of the psychodynamic explanation of gender development?
    • Conflicting evidence from Blakemore & Hill
    • Lack of scientific rigour in Freud's methods
    • Gender bias in Freud's theories
  • What did Freud's Little Hans case study suggest?
    Support for the psychodynamic explanation
  • What did Levin's 1921 study find regarding bipolar disorder patients?
    Link to unresolved Electra complex
  • What implication does Freud's theory have for parents?
    Encouragement to reduce gender stereotypical behavior
  • What did Blakemore & Hill (2008) find about boys with liberal fathers?
    They are more secure in their masculine identity
  • Why is Freud's theory criticized for lack of scientific rigour?
    Many concepts are untestable and subjective
  • What did Karl Popper say about Freud's theory?
    It is pseudoscientific and unfalsifiable
  • What does Karen Horney argue about womb envy?
    It is more powerful than penis envy
  • How does Freud's work on gender relate to his historical context?
    It may lack temporal validity due to patriarchy