Sexual vs Asexual reproduction

Cards (12)

  • There are two types of reproduction in living organisms: asexual and sexual reproduction.
  • Sexual reproduction is common in animals and plants and involves two parents.
  • Gametes are produced (sperm and egg cell or ovum in animals, pollen and egg cell or ovum in plants) in the sex organs (testes/ovaries or anther/ovary) by meiosis (a type of cell division you will learn about later on).
  • Fertilisation (fusion of male and female gamete) must take place to produce a zygote and the offspring produced are genetically different to their parents and to each other.
  • Asexual reproduction is common in plants, fungi, bacteria and some small animals and it involves only one parent.

    There are no gametes involved. All new cells are
    produced by mitosis and all the offspring produced
    are genetically identical to the parent and to each
  • sexual
    • Gametes involved
    • Offspring are genetically different to each
    other and the parents
    • Variation which leads to evolution
    • Fertilisation (fusion of gametes)
    • Two parents
  • asexual
    • No gametes involved
    • Offspring are genetically different to each
    other and the parents
    • No variation, therefore no evolution
    • No fertilisation
    • One parent
  • Humans, like many other animals, can only reproduce sexually. Many
    plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Flowers are the
    organs of sexual reproduction.
  • Examples of asexual reproduction include strawberry plants producing
    runners, spider plants producing plantlets, aphids cloning themselves,
    budding in yeast. Gardeners often take advantage of the ways plants
    can reproduce asexually. They use runners, bulbs and tubers to produce
    more plants.
  • Another type of asexual reproduction is to grow plants from
    A piece of the plant’s stem , with a few leaves attached, is
    cut from a healthy plant. This is planted in damp soil or
    compost, where it will grow roots and develop into a new
  • advantages of sexual reproduction
    Produces variation in
    Species can evolve
  • disadvantages of sexual reproduction
    Time consuming
    Requires two parents
    Uses up a lot of energy