
Cards (34)

  • Who was Herbert Packer?
    Stanford University law professor
  • What did Herbert Packer construct in 1968?
    Two models of criminal justice
  • What are the two models of criminal justice?
    Crime control and due process
  • What is the primary aim of the crime control model?
    • Quick and efficient disposal of cases
    • Punish criminals to prevent further crimes
    • Focus on protecting victim rights
  • Whose rights does the crime control model prioritize?
    Victims' rights
  • What does the crime control model ensure for victims?
    Justice for the victim
  • What is a consequence of prioritizing victims' rights?
    Contributes to protection and safety
  • What does the due process model emphasize for defendants?
    Innocent until proven guilty
  • What is a key belief of the crime control model regarding police powers?
    Police should have enhanced powers
  • What approach is linked to the crime control model?
    Zero-tolerance approach in right realism
  • What does the crime control model fail to address?
    Root causes of crime
  • What legal technicalities support the crime control model?
    • Introduction of bad character evidence
    • Previous convictions information for courts
    • Removal of double jeopardy rule
    • Extended pre-charge defendant time
  • Who was Colin Stagg?
    Wrongly accused due to profiling
  • What was a significant issue in Colin Stagg's case?
    Intense police questioning without evidence
  • What led to Colin Stagg's wrongful accusation?
    Tunnel vision by police
  • Who was Barry George?
    Quickly apprehended to remove threat
  • What was prioritized in Barry George's case?
    Protection of the community
  • What was a consequence of the crime control model in Barry George's case?
    Minimized procedural safeguards
  • What happened to Lindy Chamberlain's daughter?
    She was taken by a dingo
  • What was the outcome of Lindy Chamberlain's second inquest?
    She was charged with murder
  • What was a major flaw in Lindy Chamberlain's conviction?
    Based on circumstantial evidence
  • What is the political alignment of the crime control model?
    Predominantly right wing
  • What does Durkheim's theory suggest about punishment?
    Reinforces society’s moral boundaries
  • What are the key features of the due process model?
    • Focus on presumption of innocence
    • Protecting legal rights of defendants
    • Limiting police powers to prevent oppression
    • Thorough investigation before conviction
  • What legislations help protect defendants in the due process model?
    • Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
    • Recorded interviews and legal representation
    • Human Rights Act 1998
  • What types of evidence are considered inadmissible?
    Hearsay, irrelevant, and bad character
  • What does labelling theory suggest about the due process model?
    Police may harass labelled groups
  • What are the key points of left realism in policing?
    • Militarised policing triggers confrontation
    • Police should act lawfully and non-discriminatory
    • Depends on community cooperation
  • Who was Sion Jenkins?
    Accused of murdering foster daughter
  • What was a significant issue in Sion Jenkins' trials?
    Jury never heard domestic violence claims
  • Who was Gary Weddell?
    Ex-police officer accused of murder
  • What happened to Gary Weddell after being granted bail?
    Murdered a witness and killed himself
  • What does Gary Weddell's case suggest about bail decisions?
    Bail shouldn't have been granted
  • Compare the crime control and due process models of criminal justice.
    Crime Control Model:
    • Prioritizes victims' rights
    • Quick disposal of cases
    • Enhanced police powers

    Due Process Model:
    • Protects defendants' rights
    • Presumption of innocence
    • Limited police powers