Cards (4)

  • Methodological issues
    -Research supporting equity theory is correlational so issues with establishing a cause or effect relationship and relies on self-report which introduces social desirability bias which lacks validity of results.
  • Supporting research by Utne et al
    -Studies newly married couples.
    -Self reported the level of equity and satisfaction level in the relationship.
    -Found a relationship between those who perceived high levels of equity reported high levels of satisfaction.
    -correlational so can't establish if level of equity causes the satisfaction level.
  • Individual differences
    -Not all individuals are concerned with achieving fairness in their exchanges.
    -Huseman et al proposed new perspective of eqity theory
    • Equity sensitivities: individual feels satisfied when the benmefits are equal.
    • Benevolents: individual feels satisfaction from under-benefitting.
    • Entitleds: individual feels satisfaction from over-benefitting.
  • Cultural relativism
    -Equity theory proposed that the need for equity is a universal feature of relationships.
    -Aumer-Ryan found the importance of equity to be moderated by culture.
    -Collectivist cultures are satisfied in inequitable exchanges (over-benefitting).
    -Individualistic cultures are satisfied in equitable exchanges.