Rusbult's investment model of commitment

Cards (5)

  • Rustbult argues
    -that it is the level of commitment that influences whether people stay/leave relationships.
    -Commitment is a product of:
    • the level of satisfaction
    • quality of alternatives
    • amount you have invested into the relationship
    -Highest level of satisfaction is when there is poor quality of alternatives, high investment size and high level of satisfaction in the relationship.
  • Level of satisfaction
    -Builds on SET
    -High levels of satisfaction when level of costs are lower than the rewards.
  • Quality of alternatives
    -Is an assessment of whether alternatives or being single can produce more rewards than staying with current partner.
    -If alternatives are better then individual is going to be dissatisfied in the relationship. so more likely to leave relationship.
  • Investment size
    -Refers to tangible things like house and mortgage and intangible things like time and support.
    -Intrinsic: something you have put into the relationship like time, money and effort.
    -Extrinsic: things that come put of the relationship which are investments like children and memories.
  • Level of commitment
    -High commitment level you will stay in relationship.
    -Low commitment level you will leave relationship.