Cards (4)

  • Research support
    -Le and Agnew conducted meta analysis of 52 studies that had used the investment model.
    -Findings support the satisfaction, quality of alternatives and investment size contributes to level of commitment.
    -True to both homosexual and heterosexual relationships.
    -Supports central idea of the model that the model is applicable to all types of relationships.
  • Doesn't consider future investment
    -Goodfriend and Agnew argues the idea of investment should also consider future investments individuals will make in the relationship.
    -Suggests future investments had more significant influence on stay/leave decision than past investments.
    -e.g. plans to buy a house, go on holiday and have children affect commitment.
  • Methodological issues
    -Correlational between level of commitment and relationship stability.
    -However, we can't conclude that this is causal relationship.
    -Self-report. Assesses individuals level of satisfaction, investment and perception of alternatives can only be done through self report which can lead to SDB which reduces validity.
  • Explanatory power - explains commitment in abusive relationships
    -Model recognises the importance of 'investments'. It explains why people stay in abusive relationships which produce low satisfaction level and know there's greater alternatives out there.
    -Rhatigan and Axsom supports this as victims of domestic abused reported the main reason they stay is because of kids and that they have no where else to go.
    -Supporting investment size and quality of alternatives as factors that influence commitment.