Endocrine system

Cards (26)

  • What is the primary function of the endocrine system?
    Transport hormones to target tissues
  • How do endocrine glands transport hormones?
    Via the blood
  • How do exocrine glands transport hormones?
    Via ducts
  • Where are hormones produced in the anterior pituitary?
    In specialized cells in the anterior lobe
  • What connects the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary?
    A system of blood vessels
  • What stimulates the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary?
    Releasing and inhibiting factors
  • Where are hormones produced for the posterior pituitary?
    In specialized cell bodies in the hypothalamus
  • How are hormones transported to the posterior pituitary?
    Down the axons of specialized cells
  • What happens when the posterior pituitary receives a nerve impulse?
    Hormones are released into the bloodstream
  • What are the key differences between the nervous and endocrine systems?
    • Communication: Electrical and chemical vs. chemical
    • Speed of response: Quick vs. slow
    • Persistence of response: Stops quickly vs. may last weeks
    • Area of effect: Targeted vs. general
    • Adaptation to long-term stimuli: Quick decline vs. persists
  • What is the effect of a small amount of hormone in the body?
    Activates thousands of enzyme molecules
  • What is enzyme amplification?
    One molecule activates many enzymes
  • Where are hormones cleared from the body?
    By the liver
  • What is the half-life of a hormone?
    Time to clear 50% from blood
  • What factors affect a hormone's half-life?
    Molecular structure, weight, binding status
  • What are the steps in the mechanism of hormone action?
    1. Hormones influence target cells
    2. Bind to receptors on cell membranes
    3. Alter cell activity by:
    • Changing membrane potential
    • Stimulating protein synthesis
    • Activating or deactivating enzymes
    • Stimulating mitosis
  • What type of hormones are lipid soluble?
    Steroid hormones
  • How do steroid hormones enter cells?
    Diffuse through the plasma membrane
  • What do steroid hormones bind to in the nucleus?
    Chromatin (DNA)
  • What type of hormones are water soluble?
    Protein/peptide hormones
  • How do protein/peptide hormones act on target cells?
    Bind to plasma membrane receptors
  • What do protein/peptide hormones usually activate?
    Existing enzyme systems
  • What is Grave's Disease characterized by?
    Overactive thyroid gland
  • What are symptoms of Grave's Disease?
    Elevated metabolic rate, nervousness, sweating
  • What is a common treatment for Grave's Disease?
    Surgery or radioactive iodine
  • Who is more commonly affected by Grave's Disease?