Vulnerable Road Users

Cards (9)

  • If you are dazzled at night by the lights of the vehicle behind you you should set your mirror to anti-dazzle
  • Motorcycles are the type of vehicle most impacted by strong winds
  • When emerging from a side road into a queue of traffic which vehicles can be especially difficult to see?
  • Motorcyclists should wear bright clothing mainly so that other road users can see them more easily
  • You notice horse riders ahead of you. What should you do FIRST?
    Slow down
  • What is the most common cause of accidents?
    Driver error
  • Which type of person is especially in danger of not being seen as you reverse your car?
  • If you see a pedestrian carrying a white stick, this shows that the person is blind
  • You are driving and ahead of you there is a vehicle with a flashing amber beacon. This means it is slow moving