
Cards (4)

  • Outline Graduated Driving Programmes
    • In US cannot get full licence as young driver until done extended period of supervision:
    1. Driver always supervised
    2. Can drive unsupervised only in daylight hours
    3. Full privilege at 18
    • May differ across states
    • Identified high arousal in adolescents when driving & with friends
    • Strategies reflect the delayed maturation of cognitive control system and emotional regulation system - imbalance results in underdevelopment of cognitive skills needed for driving
  • What is the effectiveness of graduated driving programmes?
    • Reviewed GDP and found reduced fatalities so GDP are effective
    • Found GDPs reduced speeding related fatalities amongst white, African American and Asian adolescents but Hispanic drivers benefited most from GDP in reduction of alcohol related deaths (soc. sensitivity)
    • Suggests risky driving and effectiveness of GDP in reducing it may not be entirely the outcome of brain development and clearly there are social and cultural reasons why adolescents take risks on the road
  • Outline Nurse Visitation Programmes
    • Early stress can disrupt synaptogenesis and pruning and associated hormones damage prefrontal cortex limiting influence of ventral striatum = risk
    • Did one targeting men & women expecting baby who high risk of mistreating it
    • Reduce stress in parents prevents harm
    • Nurse visits before birth & paired with specially trained nurse for 2 and a half years starting just before birth
    • Targets mothers as face life changing event & trained to cope with stressors that provoke mistreatment
    • Puts parents in touch with health service & provide social support
  • Name other applications that help prevent risk taking behaviour
    • Punishment / reward
    • Positive role models
    • Nutrition - Omega 3 - helps brain dev.
    • Social skills training - to stand up to people
    • Therapy
    • Environmental changes e.g. speed cameras
    • Change social policy