Duck’s Phase model of relationship breakdown

Cards (6)

  • Duck’s phase model of relationship breakdown
    -Relationship breakdown is not a one off, all or nothing=g event. Involves 4 stages and each stage having a threshold which when met the current stage ends and enters next phase of breakdown.
  • Stages
    1)Intra-psychic stage: feelings of dissatisfaction and spend a lot of time thinking over causes of dissatisfaction. These thoughts remain private towards the partner. Before moving to the next stage, reach a threshold of thinking. ‘I can’t stand this anymore’.
    2)Dyadic stage: person confronts their partner nand voice their dissatisfaction. Long discussions/ heated arguments focussing on the source of dissatisfcation happen. Relationship may be salvageable, counselling may lead to them to compromise and relationship to continue. No resolutions made then move onto nest stage
  • Stages
    3)Social stage: conflict of relationship was made public. Friends and family pick sides of breakup, offer advice which could make it more problematic. At this stage it is more difficult to mend the relationship. Practicalities are addressed such as divisions of assets like house and children. Leads to next stage.
    4)Grave dressing: both sides constructs their version of why their relationship broke down, place blame on partner to retain social credit. At the same time showing to partners they are loyal/trustworthy. Closure of previous relationship and readiness to start a new one.
  • Evaluation
    -Ethical issues: psychological harm/distress researching intra-psychic stage. Makes someone aware of dissatisfaction. Causes break-up.
    -Resurrection phase: personal growth from breakdown process. Things learned are put into practise in next relationship. It recognises breakdown is a dynamic process. Stages can be skipped, have two stages at once.
  • Evaluation
    -Methodological issues: retrospective self-report leads to SDB and reduces validity. Reflecting on the past, relationships introduce possibility of retroactive interference reduces validity. If gone through grave dressing then could reduce accuracy of partners answers.
    +More valid than lee’s model: more holistic view as it considers family and friends (social stage) whereas lee’s model focuses on the role of the couple and cause of the breakdown. Duck’s model has a more comprehensive perspective compared to lee’s model.
  • Evaluation
    +Practical applicatio: model recognises that breakdown is not a ‘one off event’. Breakdown occurs through specific stages. Use of couples counselling focus on what the couple struggles with and uses specific interventions.
    -Cultural bias: Duck’s phase model is based off experiences of individualistic cultures. Breakup is voluntary. HOWEVER, in collectivist cultures, relationship may be socially arranged so more difficult to end. Also, the role of women ending relationships is limited.