Cultural change

Cards (15)

  • Personal freedom emerges as the restrictions are lifted under Khrushchev
  • People could listen to western media and read it
  • limited number of Soviets could go abroad
    • prove the soviet was a good place
    • the ballet companies took talent to show the world the Soviets
  • Invit’s tourists into the Soviet Union and see the Moscow metro etc
    • Soviet citizens witnessed westerners and broadened their horizons
    • World festival of youth in 1957 attended by 30k people by 131 Countries
  • Russian version of teddy boys emerge
  • Students become rebellious
    • Bulk populaition under 30 which becomes threatening
  • the system is most vulnerable when it’s reforming
  • High culture :
    • Anna Akhmatova was ridiculed - rehabilitated and wrote poetry that was never published and it was published
    • Two russias stare each other - the ones who put them in prison and the ones put
    • Test the limits - any criticism of Stalin allowed but party not
  • Novy Mir - main publish house
    • All literature had to stay in service of party when they asked to reveal realities of soviet life
  • Boris Pasternak wrote Dr Zhivago - Novy Mir refuse it so he publishes it in Italy 1957
    • 1958 awarded Nobel prize for literature for it
    • CIA thought if they could smuggle copies into the soviet theyd wake up
    • Expelled from writers union and forced to denounce Nobel prize
  • October 1960 Grossman releases Life and fate
    • 20th century war and peace
    • KGB arrest his book and typewriter
    • Difference between Stalin and Khrushchev
    • Appeals to Khrushchev directly but told no for 2 or 300 years
    • 1988 published in soviet
  • One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
    • About him being in a Gulag
    • Bewilderment
    • Sold over 1 million copies in 6 months
    • 1962 published
  • Heirs of Stalin
    • Warning against Stalinism
  • Height of freedom in publishing is under Khrushchev
  • Khrushchev didn't use art like Stalin
    • He disliked modern art