
Cards (9)

  • Outline cause and effect as a limitation of the behavioural approach for OCD
    • Fails to explain where obsessions come from = limits research so cannot create effective treatments
    EXAMPLE: unknown if low serotonin = high anxiety or OCD causes low serotonin
    = decrease productivity/economy
  • Outline the effect of SSRIs as a strength of the behavioural explanation for OCD
    • Effectiveness of drug therapy
    EXAMPLE: Soomro et al. - worse outcomes for placebos rather than SSRI's + Tricyclics = 50-80% effective
    = credibility+application+productivity
    HOWEVER: possible treatment fallacy
  • Outline treatment fallacy as a weakness of the behavioural explanation for OCD
    • lack of treatment = cause of disorder due to positive results
    • assumption lack of serotonin is what causes OCD - doesn't take into account other factors
    = lowers credibility + treatment doesn't get rid of obsessions simply masks anxious symptoms
  • Outline reductionism as a weakness of the behavioural explanation for OCD
    • Focused on only biology: SERT/COMT
    • Contradicted Cromer - 50% of sufferers are a result of traumatic events = evidence of environmental stressors
    = overlooks all causes so less effective treatments = lower productivity
  • Outline determinism as a strength of the behavioural explanation for OCD
    • Governed by genetics/physiology of the brain so out of control
    = understand cause = better treatments
    HOWEVER: undermines humans having free will + MZ twins don't have same possibility of inheriting disorder
  • Outline the evolutionary explanation as an alternate explanation for OCD
    • Compulsions are the result of adaptions to increase the rate of survival
    EXAMPLE: tendency to clean due to association of dirt and illness
    • avoidant behaviour is negatively reinforced by reducing anxiety
    HOWEVER: lacks predictive power for future developments of behaviours
  • Outline the diathesis-stress model as an alternate explanation of OCD
    • Inherited vulnerability + environmental stressors
    50% of sufferers are caused by traumatic events
    • recognizes the reductionism of behavioural explanation
    = more effective treatments
  • Outline the cognitive explanation as an alternate explanation for OCD
    • result of faulty thinking / obsessions = repeated misinterpretations of intrusive thoughts
    • engage in compulsions to neutralize anxiety
    = treatments
  • Outline the behavioural explanation as an alternate explanation for OCD
    • compulsions maintained through negative reinforcement of reducing anxiety
    EXAMPLE: Nestadt et al. - 68% concordance in MZ twins = not all genetic
    = credibility