Critics AO5

Cards (61)

  • How was Caliban dependent on Prospero?
    For love and education
  • What does Peter Holland suggest Shakespeare examines in his works?
    Human behaviour in paradoxical worlds
  • What did Hiewon Shin imply about the New World?
    It could be a land of oppression or hope
  • How is Miranda similar to Caliban according to Ben Gilbertson?
    Both are disconnected from human society
  • How does Caliban react to Stephano upon their first encounter?
    He refers to him as a 'brave god'
  • What does John Dryer say about Caliban's nature?
    He is a product of unnatural lust
  • What does Nicholas Rowe claim about Shakespeare's work?
    It seems perfect
  • What does John Dryer state about Shakespeare's magic?
    It cannot be copied
  • How does Samuel Taylor Coleridge describe The Tempest?
    As a specimen of purely romantic drama
  • What does Frank Kermode say about Caliban's perception of music?
    He hears music with pleasure
  • How does Samuel Coleridge view Caliban's character?
    As a noble being raised above contempt
  • What does Murray suggest about the island in The Tempest?
    It reflects humanity's best qualities
  • How does Knight interpret Prospero's character?
    As a reflection of Shakespeare himself
  • What does Moulton say about civilization in The Tempest?
    It is turned into a curse
  • How does Bernard Knox describe The Tempest?
    As a Utopia created by Shakespeare
  • What does Lovell say about the play's structure?
    It is a succession of illusions
  • How does George Lamming characterize Prospero?
    As an imperialist and sadist
  • What does Jonathan Goldberg say about Caliban's language?
    It carries a history of consequences
  • How does Brian Vichers interpret The Tempest?
    As an allegory about colonisation
  • What does George Lamming say about Caliban's relationship with language?
    He is colonised and excluded by language
  • What does Dryden question about Caliban's generation?
    Whether it can be defended philosophically
  • How does Nevill Coghill compare The Tempest to biblical stories?
    It resembles the story of Adam and Eve
  • What does Orgel say about Prospero's magic?
    It brings about reconciliation but is complex
  • What traditions does Mowot say Shakespeare draws on?
    The traditions of magic
  • How does Palfrey describe prose in The Tempest?
    It empowers characters beyond iambic pentameter
  • What does Palfrey say about Ariel's symbolism?
    He embodies words and transformation
  • How does Righter characterize Prospero's emotional expression?
    He is 'obtuse' with little emotional depth
  • What does Kermode say about magic in The Tempest?
    It is a disciplined exchange of virtuous knowledge
  • What does Smith say about the Epilogue?
    It dissolves illusions and changes structure
  • How does Miller view modern audiences' sympathy for Prospero?
    It is difficult for them to feel sympathy
  • What does Alden Vaugham say about colonialism in the play?
    It is embedded in the language
  • What does Birch suggest about punishment?
    It should not exceed repentance
  • What does Dowder say about life and forgiveness?
    Life requires both receiving and rendering forgiveness
  • What does Dowder say about the epilogue's significance?
    It lacks profound significance
  • How does Peter Greenway's adaptation differ in Prospero's portrayal?
    Prospero speaks all the lines
  • What happens in Sam Mendes' 1993 production regarding Ariel?
    Ariel spat in Prospero's face
  • How is Prospero characterized by Orgel?
    As Christ-like and usurping invader
  • What does Orgel say about Prospero's nature?
    He is a sadist by nature
  • How does Orgel describe Prospero's authority?
    He represents virtuous natural authority
  • What does Orgel say about Caliban's culture?
    There is no Calibanic culture present