Parasocial relationships

Cards (5)

  • Parasocial relationship
    is a one sided relationship in which one person identifies and invests time and emotion, but this is not reciprocated by the other who is often unaware of their existence. People most commonly form PSRs with celebrities.
  • Levels of parasocial relationships
    Individuals can engage in parasocial relationships at different levels. McCutcheon developed the celebrity attitude scale which is a form of self-report to assess the intensity and identification with the celebrity as well as the emotional, cognitive and behavioural characteristics which are involved. She proposed three parasocial relationships.
  • Entertainment - social level
    -Individual are attached to celebrities for a source of entertainment and interest.
    -Discussing the life and details of a celebrity is a source of social interaction.
  • Intense - personal
    -The individual perceives there to be a personal connection to the celebrity e.g. considering them a soulmate.
    -Involvement with the celebrity intensifies as the emotional connections become more personal.
  • Boarder-line Pathological
    -Individuals engage in uncontrollable behaviours, such as collecting vast amounts of memorabilia or even stalking behaviours.
    -May have engaged in delusional thinking and have obsessive fantasies about their celebrity and obsessions.