Cards (26)

  • What is evolution?
    Changes in inherited traits over generations
  • Why is evolution important for organisms?
    It allows organisms to adapt and survive
  • What are the evidences of evolution?
    • Fossil records
    • Comparative anatomy
    • Embryonic environment
    • Genetic information
    • Biogeography
    • DNA sequence comparison
    • Analogous organs
    • Transitional forms
  • What is the geological time scale?
    A record of Earth's history based on life-forms
  • What are geochronologic units?
    Units based on fossil types in rock
  • What are the divisions of the geological time scale?
    1. Eons: Longest subdivision
    2. Eras: Next longest subdivision
    3. Periods: Based on life types
    4. Epochs: Shortest subdivision
  • What is the earliest eon in the geological time scale?
    The Precambrian eon
  • How are eras defined in the geological time scale?
    By spanning tens to hundreds of millions of years
  • What are periods in the geological time scale based on?
    Types of life that existed during that time
  • What are epochs in the geological time scale?
    Shortest subdivisions that vary by continent
  • What are fossil records?
    Traces of organisms preserved in the past
  • How do fossils relate to extinct species?
    They document existence of now-extinct species
  • What are imprints in fossil records?
    Shallow external molds of tissues
  • What are compression fossils?
    Preserved tissues in sedimentary rock
  • How are the ages of fossils determined?
    Through relative and radiometric dating
  • What is relative dating?
    Comparing the age of rock layers
  • What is radiometric dating?
    Determining age using radioactive isotopes
  • What is carbon-14 used for?
    Determining the age of rocks and fossils
  • What is comparative anatomy?
    • Study of similarities and differences in structures
    • Types of structures:
    • Homologous structures
    • Analogous structures
    • Vestigial structures
  • What are homologous structures?
    Body parts of different organisms with same origin
  • What are analogous structures?
    Body parts that perform the same function but differ in origin
  • What are vestigial structures?
    Body parts that are useless remnants from ancestors
  • What is embryonic development?
    The life cycle portion after fertilization
  • How do similar embryos support evolution?
    They suggest a common ancestor among organisms
  • How do small mutations in DNA affect evolution?
    They lead to the evolution of new species
  • What are the theories of evolution?
    • Lamarck's theory
    • Darwin's theory