transport in plants

Cards (26)

  • vascular bundles
    -roots, leaves, stems
    -plant equivalent of blood vessels
    -xylem, phloem, cambium
  • each part of a plant takes care of its own gas exchange- stomata in the leaves, lenticels- stems
  • plants respire at much lower rates than animals- less metabolically active. only during photosynthesis is a large volume of oxygen needed
  • leaves have a large surface area to volume ratio- broad and thin
  • stomata
    -pores on underside of the leaf
    -allow carbon dioxide to diffuse in and oxygen and water vapour out
    -stomal pore- surrounded by 2 guard cells- control opening and closing of the pore
    -reduces water loss by evaporation
    -stomata tend to be open in the day for photosynthesis and closed at night- may be reversed in hot conditions.
  • lenticels
    -lens shaped pores
    -pathway for direct exchange of gases between internal tissues and atmosphere through bark (dead tissue)- otherwise impermeable to gases
  • monocots
    -seed embryo has one cotyledon (first leaf)
    -major leaf veins are parallel
  • dicot
    -seed embryo has 2 cotyledons
    -major leaf veins are more branched
  • vascular tissues- leaf
    -xylem is inside of mid- rib and is on top of the phloem
    -phloem is outside of mid-rib and is underneath the xylem
  • xylem
    -can carry water and minerals from roots to very top of the plant
  • xylem- lignin
    -long thin walls- lignin waterproofs the walls of the cells
    -as a result the cells die and end walls and contents decay- long column of dead cells
    -lignin thickening- patterns in cell walls- spiral- annular (rings) or reticulate (network of broken rings)
    -pores called pits- allow water to leave 1 vessel and pass into another
  • xylem- tracheids
    -structural elements
    -thickening- adds strength
  • xylem- parenchyma
    -basic unspecialised packing tissue of plant body
    -cells may store food (starch) and provide support when turgid
    -intracellular air spaces aid diffusion of gases through the plant body- pinth (inner cortex)
  • xylem- narrow
    -effective capillary action as chain doesn't break easily
  • xylem- dead cells
    -continous column
  • xylem- pits
    -allow lateral (sideways) movement
  • xylem- lignin
    -prevents collapse- provides water proofing
  • xylem- gaps in lignin
    -allows stretch and bending
  • xylem- flow of water isn't impeded
    -no cell contents
    -no end walls
  • phloem
    transports sugars from one end of the plant to another- up or down. consists of 2 types of cells- sieve tube elements and companion cells
  • phloem- sieve tubes
    -not true cells- no nucleus and very little cytoplasm
    -line up end to end- carry sucrose
    -sucrose is dissolved in water- sap
    -contains cross walls at intervals- pores- allow sap to flow
    -cross walls called sieve plates and tubes are called sieve tubes
  • phloem- companion cells
    -inbetween sieve tubes- small cells
    -large nucleus and dense cytoplasm- numerous mitochondria- produce ATP
    -carry out metabolic processes needed by sieve tube elements
    -cytoplasm of companion cells and sieve tube elements are linked through many plasmodesmata
  • phloem- few cell contents
    -flow of sap isn't impeded
  • phloem- many mitochondria in companion cells
    -provide ATP for active processes- loading of sucrose into sieve tubes
  • phloem- many ribosomes in companion cells
    -metabolically active cell- many proteins made
  • phloem- plasmodesmata between cells
    -allow communication and flow of minerals between cells